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Interested in advising us on a movement to build the trustworthiness and credibility of Pharma reps in the USA?

Home/Jill's Blog/Interested in advising us on a movement to build the trustworthiness and credibility of Pharma reps in the USA?

Interested in advising us on a movement to build the trustworthiness and credibility of Pharma reps in the USA?

We are presently looking for 100 advisors to complete a short survey (link below). If you are in sales or training management or front line, we want to hear what you think. Thank you for helping. Together we can turn the tide in pharma!


Thank you for agreeing to complete the survey about PERSUASION Rx. 

Primarily focused on pharma’s customer-facing roles, PERSUASION Rx is a proven catalyst to change, offering 3 keys to transforming how we influence in pharma so that we can create more value, get more time and engagement with HCPs and increase sales. It has been piloted very successfully with over 450 pharma people in Canada with tremendous acclaim! 

Touted as “the best program I have ever taken“, participants say they have “Ah-ha’s all the way through“. The recommendations are incredible! 

Before you take the survey, please:

  1.  Watch the short (2 min) video.
  2.  Review the description of the modules in the attachment below.

Now… what we really want to know is…. what do you think?

We greatly appreciate your opinion. 

Please take the survey here:

 Thank you. 


Ps You will discover a “parting gift” at the end of the survey to show our appreciation for your time.

By | 2017-05-04T16:07:50-05:00 July 19th, 2012|Jill's Blog|0 Comments

About the Author:

Jill Donahue

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