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Book of the Month – The Leadership Handbook

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Book of the Month – The Leadership Handbook

If you are reading this, you likely are a great leader. It is the great leaders who continually learn and grow to be even better leaders. We are never done. John C. Maxwell is a shining example. He wasn’t done after writing one book, he’s written over 30 books and sold more than 24 million copies. Inc magazine named him the most popular leadership expert in the world in 2014. In The Leadership Handbook he shares 26 critical lessons every leader needs.

Because he is focused on creating great leaders, not just sharing what he knows, he includes, at the end of each lesson, application exercises and tips to mentor others to apply the lesson. The book is best absorbed slowly, taking the time to think and act on each lesson.

I share just three of my favorite lessons below. Check out the remaining 23 valuable lessons for yourself in his book. I wonder what would be the most important lesson that could make the world of difference for you?

By | 2017-05-04T16:07:46-05:00 June 29th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

About the Author:

Jill Donahue

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