Start the new year off right!

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Start the new year off right!

There is one simple thing you can do (that you will also enjoy) that is proven to be the most important thing to keep yourself and your people highly engaged. What is it?

Hint: It is NOT setting New Year’s resolutions!!!

Click the title above to learn more….

I woke up this morning to a beautiful blanket of white fluffy snow – a clean slate. And it made me think of the new year; a fresh start,a chance to reset our path, goals, attitude energy. Ah – the allure of New Year’s resolutions! But wait! Full stop.

Before you start setting new targets on your horizon, look back, over your shoulder and take count of your progress. Why?

Have you heard of “The Progress Principle”? It shows us that recognizing progress in meaningful work is the most important way to keep people highly engaged- even if that progress is a small win.

What can you do right now to put the Progress Principle into action? 

As an individual – Take stock of the progress you made in the past year – big and small. I listed mine in my 8 major life categories – health, relationships (family/friends), finances, career, excitement, learning, spirituality, contribution.

As a manager – At your first meeting of the year, review the list of accomplishments and how they contributed to the bigger goals and why those goals are meaningful (to the organization, customers, society). Recognize everyone’s contributions.

What can you do throughout the year?

Do you fall into the majority? You move from one task or project to the next without taking the time to exhale and acknowledge the accomplishment. As a result you feel overwhelmed more often than you feel accomplished. However, for the progress principle to work, you need to experience the opposite and feel progress more often than setbacks.

Make an effort to search for the progress, every day.

To learn more, read

The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work

By | 2017-05-04T16:07:51-05:00 December 31st, 2011|Uncategorized|0 Comments