Too funny video – if you were ever a (pharma) rep
If you were ever a pharma rep - I think this 2 min video will make you giggle. Warning - may be a bit language sensitive for some...... Enjoy!
If you were ever a pharma rep - I think this 2 min video will make you giggle. Warning - may be a bit language sensitive for some...... Enjoy!
If you are a woman or care about one... or have daughters ...or sons.... this could interest you. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions -- and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite.
I came across a great TED podcast last night from the author of the hit book "AWESOME". I believe we all need a dose of attitude - even on a daily basis so here's one for you.... enjoy!
Why don’t we measure progress by happiness instead of economic growth? Check out this video to learn 5 ways to make yourself happy and create a happy planet.
Spread your ideas by standing out. Watch Seth Godin describe how in the video below and then check out how Old Spice has applied these ideas in their now-famous ad What are you doing to stand out?
Just had to share - I can't put this book down. Loving the stories that Chip and Dan Heath are sharing to help you learn how to influence others. Here's a summary of it Enjoy!
Do you give presentations? If you do, and you want to influence the behaviour of the audience, you may want to come to the CCPE networking meeting. I'm speaking there for free, doing my very popular workshop "From Sleepy to Sensational: Making Memorable Presentations". Contact me for more details at
Want to attract good things? Check out this short (4 minutes) video from Michael Losier, author of a great book "The Law of Attraction".
In this fabulous 17 minute talk, Seth Godin, shares how ideas will spread tomorrow. Surprise... It's easier than you think. What is a "tribe" and how can it help you spread ideas? Check it out at