FREE Video Series:
What are the 3 Keys to Patient-Focused Growth?

Video 1 - Overview
Video 2 - Start With Why
Video 3 - Biggest Mistake We Make
Video 4 - Are You Believable?


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What You'll Learn In The Overview

This video will explain the solution to increasing time, access and engagement with healthcare professionals to get better outcomes for you, your organization, the health care professionals and most importantly… patients.

3 realities
  • What are the 3 realities that are pushing us to change how we work with health care partners?
Big opportunity
Where is the big opportunity ahead?
3 Keys
What are the 3 keys to influence health care professionals?
2 game changing ideas
What are the 2 game changing ideas that most training programs leave out?

I LOVE IT… and yes I am shouting :)) EngageRx is riveting… this takes my thinking and puts it into the real world. When I am finished, I want to present this as a program that all managers at my company should take.

- Judy Power, sales manager

I personally feel more valued and get more time with doctors.

- Donna Racco, GP ep

EngageRx changed my life! I stopped 'telling' and started 'engaging'. When I did it that way – and this really is the philospophy taught in the three keys to patient focused growth – it took less time

- Sue Simon, director sales force development

To respond to the changes in our industry, we are empowering our sales and marketing teams with the ideas in EngageRx.

- Jean Lachapelle, VP


These Ideas Are From
EngageRx: The 3 Keys to Patient-Focused Growth


What Is EngageRx? Watch the Trailer

15 Modules of Game Changing Ideas

Designed by pharma professionals for pharma professionals.

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Who Loves EngageRx?

Don't take our word for it, see what other people have to say about EngageRx

Lidia Coffelt
Delna Sorabji

Taking this program would be well worth it, as there is so much that you can apply to your daily work life (and personal life too!). I've learned that when I speak to others, I can immediately visualize where they are in their decision making and the next steps that I should focus on to propel them forward.

-Medical Education Manager, Janssen

Benita Lanctot

This program is the wave of the future for pharma… our clients deserve nothing less. By giving our clients what they need, we will get more in return… the time is now.

- Specialist Representative with 18 years experience, Lilly

Lidia Coffelt
Lidia Coffelt
Paul McCarthy

EngageRx is one of the best courses I've ever taken and I'm using it every day—a lot of immediate applications. I think everyone in the company should take it.

- CNS Representative, Lundbeck

About Me

Jill Donahue
Jill Donahue Jill Donahue
I have discovered the biggest mistakes pharma professionals make and solutions to those mistakes so they can bring value to their healthcare partners and their organizations. I spend my time learning and teaching them how. I am a passionate curator, researcher and teacher of how to make change happen for better patient outcomes. Or, if you like more traditional titles, I'm a speaker, a writer and the Chief Mission Officer for my company, Excellerate.